Business development

At IntelGenx, partnerships are integral to our business model and success. Our aim is to build strategic and productive partnerships for product opportunities that address unmet medical needs. We invest tremendous time and resources in ensuring that our collaborations are successful.

Out-licensing and contract development & manufacturing

With expertise in oral film development, IntelGenx offers a full range of services that enable our partners to deliver high quality and cost-effective products to a growing number of customers OR to their growing businesses.


Why partner with IntelGenx

IntelGenx has a proven track record of forging partnerships that create significant value. Recognizing the unique needs and challenges of our partners, IntelGenx executes each project with flexibility, creativity, and perseverance.

These attributes make IntelGenx an ideal partner:

  • Clear corporate strategy that is focused on select therapeutic areas
  • Proven R&D capabilities
  • Experience navigating through complex regulatory approval processes
  • Full service and global development capabilities
  • Highly professional and experienced teams

IntelGenx's continued success depends on our strong alliances and complementary partnerships.