Investor FAQs
Where is IntelGenx's corporate headquarters? |
IntelGenx’s corporate headquarters are in Saint-Laurent, QC, CANADA. |
What is IntelGenx’s fiscal year end? |
IntelGenx’s fiscal year end is December 31st. |
How is IntelGenx stock traded? |
IntelGenx Technologies Corp. is traded on the TSX-V under the symbol “IGX” and on the OTCQB under the symbol “IGXT”. |
Does IntelGenx pay dividends? |
IntelGenx does not pay dividends. |
Who is IntelGenx's transfer agent? |
IntelGenx's transfer agent is: |
Who is IntelGenx's auditor? |
IntelGenx's auditor is: |
Who is IntelGenx's legal counsel? |
IntelGenx's legal counsel is: |
How many employees does IntelGenx have? |
IntelGenx currently has 45 employees worldwide. |
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries? |
Investor inquiries should be directed to: Stephen Kilmer
Andre Godin |